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Antique Vehicle Title Acquisition & Fleet Service Rates
Antique Title Acquisition

  • When an antique vehicle is taken into inventory, some have titles associated with the vehicle, some do not.  Upon this happening, some incoming inventory with only have bills of sale and/or registrations.  We are able to get these titles produced for said Antique Vehicles.  We will simply need one bill of sale from the customer to "Rush Automotive".  From there, we take the bill of sale to Rush Automotive and sell it to a dealer we do business with.  At that point, we will be able to produce a title for the antique vehicle(s).  
$40.00 + Duplicate Title Fees ($180)
Dealership Runs

  • Since there is always expedience needed with fleet deals, we are able to exchange documents and funds to ensure each party will receive what they are looking for. Anytime a physical delivery of documents is needed from one dealership to a broker or another dealership our services can guarantee those documents will be received and processed as soon as requested or possible.


Instant Titles

  • As we know in fleet deals, expedience is the key. When duplicate titles are needed, in or out of state, our organization has the experience, the contacts, and the knowledge to process those requests. In nearly all circumstances what this means to your dealership is that we are able to get instant in-state titles, and out of state titles delivered within 7 business days.

$40.00 + Duplicate Title Fees
ExcelTitle Inc.